
Matting is one of the best ways to let your employees know you appreciate what they do and that you have their long term safety and comfort needs in mind.  The increased ergonomic and comfort benefits that come from the correctly chosen matting for an area can have huge positive implications for the personnel working in that specific work cell or production line.  The most immediate benefit of ergonomic matting we notice is that employees will have a boost in energy and productivity due to the lack of muscle and joint fatigue normally caused by a hard working surface.

There are a lot of ergonomic matting manufactures and each have a variety of mats for different work environments.  LAMMCO has worked with many types of customers across industries to analyze their specific areas and needs. After thorough analysis we prescribe the correct matting and provide layouts, additional product information and samples.

Please contact us to develop a matting solution with lasting benefits.


Superior Matting

No Trax

